Is it bad luck to wash clothes on Sunday

Is it bad luck to wash clothes on Sunday?

In some religions, particularly Christianity, Sunday is considered a day of rest and reflection. For some people, doing chores like laundry might go against the spirit of relaxation and contemplation associated with the day.

There are some superstitions around laundry, particularly on days like New Year’s Day. These superstitions can vary by culture, but some hold that washing clothes on specific days washes away good luck or even washes away a loved one. There’s no basis in reality for these superstitions, but some people believe in them nonetheless.

So, while there’s no real bad luck tied to washing clothes on Sunday, it depends on your perspective and cultural background.

When is it bad luck to wash clothes?

When is it bad luck to wash clothes
Is it bad luck to wash clothes on Sunday? 5

The idea of bad luck and laundry days is more about cultural traditions and personal preferences than any actual misfortune. Here’s a breakdown:

Respectful Observance

In some religions, like Christianity (Good Friday, Easter Sunday) or during holidays like Chinese New Year, laundry might be avoided out of respect for the solemnity of the day or cultural traditions. It’s a time for reflection or celebrating, and chores take a backseat.

Superstitious Beliefs

There are superstitions around specific days like New Year’s Day, where washing clothes is said to wash away good luck. Thursdays, nights (particularly in India), and even Sundays in some cultures might be considered unlucky for laundry. These beliefs have no scientific basis, but some people choose to follow them for tradition or personal comfort

The days you should avoid doing laundry as Laundry Superstition

Let’s face it, laundry isn’t exactly a thrill-a-minute activity. But what if there were ways to turn this chore into a chance to embrace cultural traditions or even attract some good fortune? Many cultures have superstitions around laundry, particularly on specific days. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common ones, with a twist: how you can use these days to maximize your washing power (and maybe even your luck)!

New Year’s Day

Washing clothes on this day is a superstition found around the world, often associated with washing away good luck. Here’s the thing: get all your laundry done by New Year’s Eve. Starting the fresh year with a clean slate (literally!) can symbolize a new beginning and a chance to attract fresh opportunities.

Good Friday

In Christianity, Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. Out of respect for the solemnity of the day, some people traditionally avoid laundry. This can be a great opportunity to focus on spiritual reflection or spend time with loved ones.

Chinese New Year

According to Chinese tradition, the first two days of the New Year are dedicated to the Water God. Washing clothes is seen as disrespectful. Use this time to clean your washing machine deep instead! This ensures your laundry warrior is in top shape for the rest of the year.

At night (Especially in India) 

This superstition is specific to certain regions and has no clear origin story. However, some cultures believe nighttime is for rest and rejuvenation. Why not turn laundry into a morning ritual? The fresh air and sunlight can be a mood booster and get your day started on a productive note.

Easter Sunday

Similar to Good Friday, Easter Sunday is a holy day in Christianity. Traditionally, it’s a day of rest and reflection. Delegate laundry duties! This can be a chance to involve family members or roommates, or even outsource the chore if possible. Freeing up your time allows you to focus on the true meaning of the holiday.


There’s less history behind this superstition, but some cultures believe washing clothes on Thursdays brings bad luck. Here’s a lucky twist: Thursdays are associated with the Norse god Thor, known for his power and strength. Channel your inner Thor and tackle your biggest laundry loads on Thursdays!


Sundays are often seen as a day of rest, and laundry might go against the relaxation vibe for some. There’s no religious restriction on Sunday laundry. But, if you want to embrace the chill Sundays offer, plan your laundry week. Do smaller loads throughout the week so Sundays can truly be a day of leisure.

These are just superstitions, but they can be a fun way to add a cultural twist to your laundry routine. The best day to do laundry is simply the day that works best for you. So, feel free to throw in those dirty clothes whenever your schedule allows, and remember, a clean slate (and a clean washing machine) can set you up for a lucky and productive week!

Washing Clothes on Specific Days

Many cultures have superstitions around laundry, particularly on specific days. Some believe washing clothes on New Year’s Day washes away good luck for the coming year. Others avoid laundry on holy days like Good Friday or Easter Sunday out of respect for religious traditions. There’s also the superstition that washing clothes at night (especially in India) or on Thursdays brings bad luck. Ultimately, these are just beliefs, and the best day to do laundry is whenever it works for you.

Laundry Superstitions and Death

Some superstitions connect washing clothes to death. Washing clothes on New Year’s Day is sometimes seen as symbolically washing away a loved one. There’s also a more general belief that washing clothes on certain days can be a bad omen, foreshadowing illness or death in the family. However, these are just superstitions with no basis in reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it bad luck to wash clothes on Sunday? 7

is it bad luck to wash clothes on New Year’s day

In some cultures, yes. It’s a superstition that washing clothes on New Year’s Day washes away good luck or even a loved one. But, it’s not based on fact! Do your laundry whenever fits your schedule.

is it bad luck to wash clothes on your birthday

No, it’s not bad luck to wash clothes on your birthday! Laundry superstitions usually focus on specific holidays or days of the week, not birthdays. Focus on celebrating and enjoying your special day, and wash those clothes whenever it fit your schedule.

is it bad luck to wash clothes on Christmas day

There’s no widespread superstition about bad luck and laundry on Christmas Day. Focus on enjoying the holiday! Some cultures avoid chores on religious holidays, but Christmas Day laundry isn’t typically seen as disrespectful.

Do what works for your schedule and traditions. Merry Christmas!

Is it OK to wash clothes on Sunday?

Absolutely! There’s no reason why washing clothes on Sunday is bad. While some cultures traditionally rest on Sundays, laundry is perfectly fine. Do what works best for your schedule. The most important thing is to keep those clothes clean!

Which day we should not wash clothes?

There’s no scientific reason to avoid any day for laundry! Superstitions exist around washing clothes on days like New Year’s Day or Thursdays, but these are just beliefs.

The best day to do laundry is simply the day that works best for your schedule. So go ahead and throw in those dirty clothes whenever you like!

What day is bad luck to wash clothes?

There’s no scientific evidence for unlucky laundry days, but some cultures avoid it on:

  • New Year’s Day: Washing away good luck for the year.
  • Religious holidays: Out of respect for the solemnity (Good Friday, Easter Sunday).
  • Specific days: Thursdays or nights (in some regions) due to superstition.

Do your laundry whenever it fits your schedule!

What is the best day to wash clothes?

There’s no single “best” day for laundry! It depends on your schedule and priorities.

  • Want to save money? Look into your energy provider’s off-peak hours for electricity.
  • Respectful of traditions? Avoid laundry on holidays specific to your culture.
  • Love efficiency? Plan smaller loads throughout the week for a relaxed Sunday.

Ultimately, the best day to wash clothes is the one that works best for you!


So, is it bad luck to wash clothes on Sunday? Not in the slightest! Sunday laundry superstitions likely stem from the cultural preference for rest on this day.

Ultimately, the “best” day to do laundry is whenever it fits your schedule and keeps your stress levels low. Whether you prefer a productive Sunday or a leisurely one, there’s no magical formula. So, throw in those dirty clothes whenever you like, and embrace the satisfaction of a clean laundry pile – bad luck-free!

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