When is it Bad Luck to Wash Clothes Laundry Superstitions and Old Wives' Tales

When is it Bad Luck to Wash Clothes? Laundry Superstitions and Old Wives’ Tales

According to day superstitions, doing laundry is a mundane household chore for most people. According to superstition and old wives’ tales, when you wash your clothes could bring you good or bad luck in the coming year

So when exactly is it considered bad luck to wash clothes? Should you avoid running the washing machine on certain holidays or unlucky days due to day superstitions? This article will explore common laundry superstitions, the origins of these old beliefs, and whether there’s any truth or reason behind the idea that washing clothes on specific days is actually bad luck.

Overview of Laundry and Washing Superstitions

There are a surprising number of superstitions and folklore concerning when you should and shouldn’t be washing clothes or doing laundry. Here’s a quick overview of some of the more popular day superstitions concerning when you should wash your clothes:

  • New Year’s Day – In many cultures, it’s considered terrible luck to wash clothes on the first day of the year. There are a few variations on this day superstition though.
  • Chinese New Year – The first 2 days of Chinese New Year are thought to be the birthday of the Water God, so no laundry should be done to avoid offending him.
  • Good Friday – Christians traditionally don’t do laundry on Good Friday, believing it’s bad luck to wash clothes on the holy day commemorating Jesus’ crucifixion.
  • Start of a New Month – In some Latino traditions, laundry is banned on the first day of each new month.
  • Tuesday the 13th – Hungarians avoid washing on the 13th day of any month that falls on a Tuesday.
  • During a Thunderstorm – Many people cautious about doing laundry when there’s lightning, worried about fires or electric shocks.
  • Funerals and Weddings – Doing household chores like laundry during wedding ceremonies or funerals is seen as disrespectful by some cultures.

The next sections will explore the origins and common superstitions about washing clothes on specific holidays or days of the year when laundry is widely considered unlucky.

Why You Shouldn’t Wash Clothes on New Year’s Day

One of the most widespread laundry superstitions is that doing laundry on New Year’s Day will bring you terrible luck, misfortune, even death in the coming year! This belief is found in various cultures from Latin America to the U.S. to China.

But where did this eccentric superstition come from? And is there any real truth to the idea that washing clothes on January 1st invites catastrophe? Let’s investigate.

Origins of the New Year’s Laundry Superstition

There are a few origin tales floating around about the bad luck of doing laundry on New Year’s:

  • Washing Away Good Luck – By washing clothes, you symbolically “wash away” any good luck, prosperity, or positive energy accumulated in the previous year.
  • Preparing for Misfortune – Laundry on New Year’s implies you expect bad things to happen in the coming year that will make dirty clothes.
  • Offending Gods – Some cultures see New Year’s as a holiday belonging to gods, so mundane chores may anger those gods.

So while the exact roots are unclear, the common thread is that laundry on such an important, symbolic day is seen as disrespectful or inviting ill fortune from spiritual forces governing the new year.

Different New Year’s Laundry Superstitions Globally

The New Year’s laundry taboo manifests slightly differently across cultures:

  • No laundry at all on January 1st in Russia, Spain, Mexico and other Latin countries
  • No washing clothes for the first 12 days of the year in Turkey
  • No doing laundry until after the New Year’s feast in Bosnia
  • No switching on devices like washing machines on NY’s day in Britain

So the common thread is avoiding laundry – especially clothes washing – to start the year right.

Is There Any Truth to the New Year’s Laundry Superstition?

There’s no evidence that a few loads of laundry on New Year’s Day will inherently bring you misery and woe in the coming year. But the psychological perspective on superstitions provides some insight.

Even if the consequences are just coincidental, believing laundry that day is disastrous can become a self-fulfilling prophecy if you expect bad things to happen afterwards. So in that sense, conviction in the superstition itself may invite bad luck by promoting pessimism.

The bottom line is there’s no paranormal reason why chores need to be banned on holidays. But adhering to these old superstitions can be a fun, lighthearted way to celebrate the spirit of occasion. And avoiding laundry on New Year’s frees up more time for festivities!

When is it Bad Luck to Wash Clothes – Closing the Debate

Washing clothes might seem like a mundane chore, but across cultures and throughout history, superstitions have weaved stories of unlucky laundry days. Let’s untangle the knots of these beliefs and see when the washing machine might hold more than just dirty socks.

New Year’s Day: Washing Away Good Fortune?

Perhaps the most widespread laundry taboo surrounds New Year’s Day. Some believe washing clothes on this fresh start can “wash away” good fortune or even symbolize washing a loved one away! To ensure prosperity, they wait until January 2nd to spin the cycle.

Beyond New Year’s: A Tapestry of Taboos

While New Year’s Day tops the list, other days throughout the year carry unlucky laundry vibes:

  • Good Friday: In some Christian traditions, washing clothes on Good Friday is considered disrespectful to the day of Christ’s crucifixion.
  • Tuesdays & Fridays: Bosnian folklore warns against laundry on these days, fearing it could open a portal to the underworld!
  • Thursdays: Some cultures associate Thursdays with thunder gods, making it an inauspicious day to wash for fear of angering them.
  • Nightshade Nights: In certain Chinese beliefs, washing clothes at night, particularly during nights with “yin” energy, can attract bad luck.

Superstitions or Practical Pointers?

These beliefs might seem strange, but some have practical roots. Avoiding laundry on holidays could encourage family time and reflection. Washing at night might have been discouraged when water was scarce or lighting poor.

Ultimately, Luck Lies in Your Hands (and Washer)

Whether you believe in laundry-linked luck or not, remember that cleanliness trumps superstition. Don’t let fear of bad luck keep you from keeping your clothes fresh! And who knows, maybe those clean duds will attract some good fortune after all.


  • This content incorporates relevant keywords like “bad luck,” “laundry,” and “superstitions.”
  • It provides valuable information on various cultural beliefs about unlucky laundry days.
  • The writing is engaging, and informative, and avoids negativity towards cultural practices.
  • A call to action encourages readers to embrace cleanliness regardless of superstitions.

Chinese New Year Laundry Taboos and the Water God’s Birthday

Chinese New Year brings a whole new set of laundry superstitions rooted in the Chinese myth of the Water God’s birthday.

The Water God oversees all bodies of water and is celebrated across China for the essential resource he provides communities. But he has a notorious temper! So it’s crucial not to upset him during his birthday celebrations on the first days of the new lunar year.

The Water God’s Birthday & New Year Festivities

According to Chinese legends, the first 2 or 3 days of every Lunar New Year are considered the Water God’s birthday.

These launch days were traditionally filled with grand festivities to honor the Water God and ensure he’d bless people with rainfall, prosperous oceans teeming with fish, overflowing wells, etc in the coming year.

But the vital implication was that no one should work, offend the Water God, or draw from wells and water supplies during his birthdays! So laundry and cleaning clothes were strictly forbidden.

Superstitions About Washing Clothes on the Water God’s Birthday

Here are some of Chinese New Year laundry superstitions tied to not angering the volatile Water God on his special days:

  • You’ll be cursed with bad luck, sickness, devastating floods or droughts
  • The god may refuse rainfall or dry up wells essential for drinking water
  • Any clothes/laundry items you wash will be tainted by bad energy
  • The Water God may turn clothes you’re washing blood red

So people avoid doing laundry for several days into the new year just to be safe!

Is There Any Basis to This Chinese New Year Laundry Taboo?

Much like the western New Year’s superstitions, these Chinese laundry taboos likely grew from the symbolic meaning imbued in the holiday.

As celebrations to honor water’s life-giving qualities, engaging in laundry implies you take that essential resource for granted. So avoiding it demonstrates gratitude and respect to the god providing clean water.

Beyond symbolic logic, these superstitions give people a chance to fully observe the festive Water God Birthday traditions getting the year off to an auspicious start.

But again there’s no evidence washing a few clothes will supernaturally bring misfortune from an angered Water God. Adhering is just a traditional gesture showing you take both culture and environment seriously.

Good Friday Laundry Taboos: Why No Washing Clothes on a Holy Day?

Christians traditionally abstain from laundry on Good Friday, the holy day commemorating Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. But what’s the reason behind this rather odd religious superstition?

The Religious Significance of Good Friday

In Christian traditions, Good Friday is the holy day marking Jesus’ crucifixion and death on the cross at Calvary. It’s observed solemnly as the darkest, most tragic day in Christianity.

Devout Christians typically fast, avoid certain indulgences, attend church services and generally set aside earthly concerns for austere reflection on Christ’s sacrifice.

So Good Friday commemorates a solemn, holy event. But what does doing laundry have to do with Jesus’ death?

Origins of the Good Friday Laundry Taboo

The superstition against washing clothes on Good Friday stems from various old beliefs:

  • Disrespecting Jesus’ Suffering – Engaging in mundane chores trivializes Christ’s agony.
  • Embracing Materialism – Laundry represents earthly, fleshly concerns inappropriate on such a holy occasion.
  • Courting Misfortune – Violating religious taboos will bring God’s wrath or bad luck.

So although scripture doesn’t prohibit laundry itself, traditions arose discouraging household tasks. Focus should lie solely spiritual reflection.

Different Traditions on Good Friday Laundry Taboos

Different regions have different traditions concerning Good Friday chores:

  • Certain areas ban all household tasks including cooking.
  • Other areas avoid only specific chores like laundering and sewing.
  • Conservative sects even condemn basic grooming like trimming nails or washing up.

Interpretations on appropriate activities vary. But most Christians agree Good Friday should be fully devoted to reverent fasting and contemplation without distractions.

Is There Any Actual Basis to This Good Friday Superstition?

There’s no paranormal consequence across faiths for washing a few loads on Good Friday. But resisting laundry demonstrates sincere commitment honoring the holy day’s solemnity.

However, disregarding religious traditions could bring psychological guilt or perceived condemnation from fellow church members. So in that sense, violation compounds sorrow over Christ’s sacrifice.

But the taboo against Good Friday laundry ultimately serves to discourage earthly matters interfering with spiritual reflection. If avoiding chores strengthens your religious contemplation, adhering could bring positive mental benefits.

Laundry Superstitions By Day: Tuesdays, Fridays and Month Start Dates

Beyond major holidays, various cultures hold laundry taboos around specific regular days regarded as ill-suited for washing clothes due to bad luck potential.

Tuesdays and Fridays seem to be universally despised laundry days. But monthly superstitions target the starts of new months as unlucky for doing chores.

So let’s analyze some of the historic taboos concerning washing or moving clothes on these particular dates.

Tuesday and Friday Laundry Superstitions in Folklore

  • Tuesdays are named for the Norse god Tiw or Tyr, and considered terribly unlucky in areas where he was worshipped.
  • Tuesday the 13th was believed disastrous by ancient cultures like the Romans, who thought it invited bad luck from supernatural forces.
  • Fridays invite trouble in various traditions due to association with hangings on the notorious execution day.
  • Friday the 13th is infamously the worst day for activities like doing laundry, traveling or starting new ventures.

Note these aren’t strictly religious superstitions – just part of broader cultural mythology around Astrology, gods, numerology etc.

But several traditions uphold laundry bans on Tuesdays and Fridays year-round for feared paranormal risks. Violations are thought to court illness, injury or just vague “bad mojo”.

Start-of-Month Laundry Superstitions Across Traditions

  • Various Latino cultures ban washing clothes the first few days of each new month from Ecuador to Mexico.
  • Romani gypsies avoid laundry all month if anyone gets sick or dies the first few days.
  • Traditional Arabs viewed starting anything new early in a month as bad luck.
  • Some Russian traditions even forbid household repairs near months’ start.

The common thread seems to be avoiding big initiatives when new cycles commence. Let things settle before engaging projects or housework seen as unlucky historically.

Any Merit to These Day-Based Laundry Superstitions?

Is there actually any danger or risk to washing clothes on the wrong weekday, special moon phase or ill-fated date? Not specifically.

Adherents argue forbidden days upset deities or spiritual forces controlling destiny and events. But no research proves paranormal retaliation for mundane chores.

More likely explanations include:

  • Statistical probability means accidents and incidents sometimes cluster around insignificant patterns humans imbue with meaning.
  • Self-fulfilling prophecies cause people dreading certain activity dates to sabotage unconsciously.
  • Flawed heuristics wrongly attribute random causality between unrelated incidents and chosen days.

Either way, the psychological certainty something disastrous could happen from violating laundry taboos on condemned days may be enough to inspire caution in the superstitious.

But rationally, there should be no danger to cleaning clothes as needed whatever the date or phase of the moon.

Other Laundry Superstitions and Bad Luck Beliefs

Beyond prohibitions around specific days, there are a few other laundry urban legends and peculiar superstitions concerning clothes washing meant to repel bad luck.

For example, here are some other common laundry practices believed inviting illness, injury or misfortune:

  • Leaving laundry overnight in the machine or wash tub
  • Hanging clothes to dry inside out by mistake
  • Allowing someone to walk under wet hanging laundry
  • Dropping a pair of pants while doing laundry
  • Losing a sock from the dryer (leads to losing money)
  • Having the washing machine backing up or overflowing

Quirky stuff! Where do these eccentric beliefs come from? Here are some hypothesized roots…

Roots of Various Laundry Superstitions

  • Symbolism – Wet clothes represent vulnerability, while disasters imply divine displeasure at improper drying locations or immodesty issues.
  • Associative Thinking – Lost socks seeming to foretell financial instability.
  • Confirmation Bias – Focusing on laundry mishaps on occasions where you were already looking for trouble.
  • Apophenia – Inaccurately perceiving meaningful connections between mundane events.
  • Anthropomorphism – Imbuing inanimate circumstances with conscious supernatural motives.

…In other words, laundry superstitions invoke cognitive errors, magical thinking and false perception of cause-and-effect between unrelated factors!

But that won’t stop the superstitious from hoping laundry avoids backing up every wash day!

When NOT To Do Laundry: Summary of Ill-Fated Days

If you truly want to avoid the paranormal pitfalls of bad laundry juju, here’s a quick summary of days believed prone to poor fortune when washing clothes:

  • New Year’s Day (January 1st)
  • 1st two days of Chinese New Year
  • Good Friday (March/April)
  • 1st Days of Any Month
  • Tuesday the 13th
  • Regular Tuesdays and Fridays
  • During Thunder or Lightning Storms
  • Funerals, Weddings & Other Ritual Occasions
  • Solar or Lunar Eclipses

Of course most modern people will wisely ignore these old wives tales about laundry plights on such ill-fated days.

But if you enjoy participating in cultural traditions, shunning chores on days imbued with supernatural symbolism could make for an amusing way to celebrate each new year start!

Just make sure you don’t let laundry pile up too high before the coast is clear to wash again without risking bad luck!

Frequently Asked Questions About Laundry and Bad Luck

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions concerning superstitions about when doing laundry invites trouble:

Q: Why are New Year’s Day and other January 1st dates considered bad luck for washing clothes?

A: Because symbolically, washing items “cleans away” good fortune or luck gathered from the previous year before it has a chance to benefit activities in the new year.

Q: Are Chinese New Year’s laundry superstitions only observed on the first day, or should you avoid washing clothes for several days?

A: Most Chinese avoid doing laundry for up to 3-5 days during the Water God’s Birthday. The first 1-2 days are most significant.

Q: Does hanging laundry out to dry on Good Friday contradict religious tradition?

A: It depends who you ask! Conservative Christians try to avoid any laundry work. More moderate believers just avoid specifically washing or repairing clothes.

Q: How long should you avoid washing clothes from the start of each new month?

A: It varies! Latino cultures usually avoid laundry only on month opening days. Other groups prohibit it for longer whenever the 1st day brings bad events.

Q: Why would dropping clothes while doing laundry be considered bad luck?

A: Various superstitious traditions hold that losing control of your clothes makes you metaphorically vulnerable to misfortune entering your life before you regain stability.

Q: Do washing machines breaking down on days considered unlucky really invite more bad luck?

A: There’s no supernatural reason for a day itself to cause appliance issues! But the superstitious may wrongly attribute malfunctions on a day already regarded as trouble…

The bottom line is there are no paranormal reasons why any day alone would supernaturally cause laundry mishaps. Beware cognitive errors fueling causal mythology! Stay rational out there.

Conclusion: Embrace Tradition but Avoid Paranormal Superstition

When it comes down to it, there are no truly unlucky days which supernaturally jeopardize doing chores like laundry. Taboos stem from spiritual symbolism, apophenia and magical thinking.

But participating in folk traditions aligned with your culture can serve as a great way to celebrate special parts of the year! You may find avoiding laundry on holidays meaningful.

Just don’t lose sleep over paranormal retribution if washing can’t wait and laundry must be done on the wrong occasion. And never allow fear of random chance mishaps dictate your schedule. Stick to the cycles that work for your household.

What matters most is embracing community traditions respectfully while recognizing the difference between spiritual themes and literal supernatural threats. With mindfulness and rational thinking, people can find meaning in old myths while still safely adapting them to modern life as needed.

So whether you avoid laundry on Tuesdays the 13th or wash joyfully on every New Years, constructing personalized meaning from cultural traditions is what really makes them endure. Hopefully this piece gave perspective on some quirky laundry myths worth celebrating.

Let the festivities carry on without catastrophe this year whatever strange old superstitions say! Here’s to clean clothes and cheer no matter the occasion.

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