Can You Wash Moldy Clothes with Other Clothes A Guide to Get Mold out of Clothes

Can You Wash Moldy Clothes with Other Clothes? A Guide to Get Mold out of Clothes

Discovering mold on your clothes can be a frustrating experience, especially when you’re unsure of the safest cleaning method. One critical question that often arises: can you wash moldy clothes with other clothes? The answer is a resounding no.

Washing moldy clothes with other garments poses several risks that can not only damage your clothes but also pose health hazards. This guide delves into the dangers of such practices as “Can You Wash Moldy Clothes with Other Clothes” and outlines a safe and effective approach to cleaning moldy clothes in the USA.

Risks of Washing Moldy Clothes with Others

Risks of Washing Moldy Clothes with Others
Can You Wash Moldy Clothes with Other Clothes? A Guide to Get Mold out of Clothes 4

Washing moldy clothes with other garments in your washing machine can lead to several detrimental consequences, including:

  • Spread of Mold Spores: Mold reproduces by releasing microscopic spores that can easily travel through the air during the washing cycle. Washing moldy clothes with others creates a perfect opportunity for these spores to contaminate the clean clothes, leading to potential new mold growth.
  • Increased Mold Growth: The warm, moist environment created inside the washing machine during a wash cycle can unfortunately promote the growth of existing mold on the affected clothes. This can make it more challenging to remove the mold and potentially damage the fabric.
  • Respiratory Problems: Mold spores can trigger respiratory issues, especially for individuals with allergies or asthma. Washing moldy clothes with others increases the risk of exposure to these harmful spores for everyone involved, potentially causing breathing difficulties, irritation, and allergic reactions.

Table: Comparing Safe and Unsafe Practices

PracticeRecommendedNot Recommended
Washing moldy clothesIndividuallyWith other clothes
Water temperatureHot (140°F/60°C or higher)Cold or warm water
Drying methodDirect sunlight or a well-ventilated areaTumble dryer
Cleaning methodPre-treatment with vinegar or borax solutionWashing alone without pre-treatment
Table: Comparing Safe and Unsafe Practices

How to Safely Clean Moldy Clothes

How to Safely Clean Moldy Clothes
Can You Wash Moldy Clothes with Other Clothes? A Guide to Get Mold out of Clothes 5

Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively cleaning moldy clothes while safeguarding your health and other garments:


  • Protect yourself: Wear gloves and a mask to avoid inhaling mold spores.
  • Brush off visible mold: Take the moldy clothes outdoors or to a well-ventilated area. Use a stiff-bristled brush to remove any visible mold spores. Be cautious not to spread the spores indoors.
  • Prepare a cleaning solution: Mix white vinegar or borax with water (1 cup per gallon). Soak the moldy clothes in this solution for at least 30 minutes to help loosen the mold.


  • Wash alone: Never wash moldy clothes with other garments.
  • Hot water is key: Use the hottest water temperature setting your washing machine allows, ideally 140°F/60°C or higher. This high temperature helps kill mold spores.
  • HE detergent for the win: Use a high-efficiency (HE) detergent, as it is more effective in removing mold and mildew compared to regular detergents.
  • Skip the bleach (usually): Avoid using bleach unless the care label on your clothes specifically recommends it for the fabric type and color. Bleach can weaken fibers and may not effectively kill all mold spores.
  • Extra rinse cycle: Run an additional rinse cycle to ensure complete removal of the cleaning solution and dead mold spores.


  • Avoid the dryer: Resist the urge to use a tumble dryer, as the warm, moist environment can promote further mold growth.
  • Sunlight is your friend: Dry the clothes completely in direct sunlight outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Sunlight acts as a natural disinfectant, helping to kill any remaining mold spores.
  • Air-drying option: If sunlight drying isn’t possible, use a drying rack in a well-ventilated room. Ensure the clothes are completely dry before storing them to prevent future mold growth.

Additional Tips

  • Identify the source: To prevent future mold occurrences, try to identify the source of the mold on your clothes. Check for dampness or leaks in storage areas, ensure proper ventilation in closets and laundry rooms, and always dry clothes thoroughly before storing them.
  • Professional help: When dealing with extensive mold or feeling unsure about cleaning it yourself, consider seeking professional dry cleaning services. They have specialized equipment and techniques to effectively remove mold and eliminate musty odors without damaging the fabric.
  • Safety first: Always wear gloves and a mask when handling moldy clothes to protect yourself from exposure to harmful spores.


Washing moldy clothes with other garments is a definite no-no due to the potential for:

  • Spreading mold spores: Contaminating other clothes and creating new growth.
  • Increased mold growth: The warm, moist environment in the washing machine can worsen existing mold.
  • Respiratory problems: Mold spores can trigger breathing difficulties and allergic reactions, especially for sensitive individuals.

By following the safe cleaning methods outlined in this guide, you can effectively remove mold from your clothes without jeopardizing your health or other laundry.


1. Is it safe to wash lightly moldy clothes with other clothes?

No, even lightly moldy clothes should be washed alone to prevent the spread of spores. Mold can quickly spread and grow, even in small amounts.

2. Can I use bleach to remove mold from clothes?

While bleach might be effective against some types of mold, it’s not always recommended. Always check the care label on your clothes and do a spot test before using bleach on the fabric. Additionally, bleach can weaken fibers and may not be safe for all colors.

3. What if the musty smell persists after cleaning?

If the musty odor remains after following the cleaning steps, including using a stronger vinegar solution (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water), the mold might be deeply embedded in the fabric, or the affected area might be extensive. In such cases, consider:

  • Professional cleaning: Reputable dry cleaners have specialized equipment and techniques to effectively remove mold and eliminate odors without damaging the fabric.
  • Discarding the clothing: If the mold is widespread or the fabric is already damaged, discarding the affected garments might be the safest and most cost-effective option. This eliminates the risk of further mold growth and potential health issues.

Conclusion: Can You Wash Moldy Clothes with Other Clothes

Discovering mold on your clothes can be frustrating, but with proper knowledge and action, it doesn’t have to be a major setback. By following the safe cleaning methods outlined in this guide, you can effectively remove mold from your garments while protecting yourself and your loved ones from exposure to harmful spores. Remember, discarding heavily mold-infested clothing or seeking professional help are always options if the situation feels overwhelming.

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